On 18 Aug 2000, Ariel Scolnicov wrote:

> Actually, this suggests that C<values @array> should return
> C<(@array)> (a copy of the values), and C<keys @array> the list
> C<(0..$#array)>.  But those aren't very useful.

I like the proposed syntax! I also think that C<keys @array> would be
useful, I often use arrays as integer-based lookups (like for database
results, primary keys and field names). To loop through a list like that,
where the array doesn't start at 0, nor has a consistent increment, I
practically have to kloodge the darn thing, doing:

   $i = 0;
   foreach(@array) {


   for($i = 0; $i <= $#array; $i++) {
        next unless $array[$i];


   while(($index, $value) = each(@array)) {

Seems much more elegant, although maybe we should stick to for* commands
for arrays.

Mike Pastore

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