On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 09:36:43PM -0400, Bennett Todd wrote:
> > I don't want text to become an object.  I don't want numbers to become
> > an object.  I don't want to create object regular expressions to call
> > a method on text objects to return back a success object to test with
> > the control structure object.
> Why not? Why not? Why not?

You can ask "why?" (or "why not?") until you're blue in the face, and the
question would still be valid.  He just doesn't want to, nor do I.  I prefer
to use length($str) rather than $str->length; I prefer to use $str =~ m/foo/
rather than regex_compile("foo")->match($str).  This is what I prefer,
because I know Perl, and like it.

If $str = "foo" and m/foo/ are somehow magical objects, that's fine, as long
as it doesn't impact my not wanting to use them as objects.  That'd be some
feat, but if you can manage it, more power to you.  Everytime I see the
title "Everything in Perl becomes an object" I groan and have to wonder
exactly what the point is.  OO is a neat tool, sometimes, but Perl has done
rather well without having objects -everywhere-, and I like my Perl pretty
much the way it is.

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