Garrett Goebel (Today):
> Horror of horrors: why not support both? Long live: TMTOWTDI. If XML
> documentation fails to thrive, cut it from Perl 6.1. If both thrive, keep
> 'em. As everyone has said XML can be converted to pod and vice versa. Pod
> tools could be made to coexist with XML.

But why extend the syntax for such a niche application?

        * POD can be easily converted to XML.
        * POD can contain XML.
        * Advanced concepts that POD cannot contain that the XML junkies
          might want to be used can be embedded. (=for XML)

An interested party could easily write another pod2* that did the job
using the XML-specific sections. (podxml2man, maybe?)

I'm struggling to see; is there anything here we can't already do?

~ j.

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