On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 05:35:17PM -0800, Steve Fink wrote:
> Algorithm               Inline?         Optimization    Time (sec)
> GOTO                    -               -O3             1.35
> FUNCALL_HYBRID          yes             -O3             4.20
> FUNCALL_PREDICTABLE     no              -O3             4.92
> FUNCALL_PREDICTABLE_HALFyes             -O3             5.79

The more clever you try and be, the slower it runs?

If computer science was a science, computer "scientists" would study what 
computer systems do and draw well-reasoned conclusions from it, instead of
being rabid clueless wankers who've never even seen a real world system before,
let alone used one. These are the kind of people that brought us pascal, folks.
 - Charles J Radder, asr.

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