Simon Cozens wrote:
> John Porter wrote:
> > But you need to remember it anyway, so remembering it for time() is
> > no added burden.
> Uhm. NO! Remembering that $x+1 things have changed is an "added burden"
> over remembering that $x things have changed.

Not as x approaches infinity.

I'm responding to the argument that, when perl6 has hit the
streets, a perl programmer should not have to remember whether
she's programming in perl6 or perl5.  Since that is an
impossibility, using it as an argument to support not changing
feature Y doesn't work.

> > "Perl should remain Perl" (once known as RFC 0) is bogus
> If you want things that *aren't* Perl, you know exactly where to find them.

RFC 0 continues to be bogus, despite its repetition.
Perl6 will be Perl, even though it won't be Perl5.
It will be a different language, yet it will still be Perl.
Please knock it off with the "Keep Perl Perl" non-argument.

John Porter

So take a pointed stick and touch Piggy's eyes
He's gonna turn and leave you a big surprise

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