Lipscomb, Al writes:
: ------_=_NextPart_001_01C0D71B.8F67C8EA
: Content-Type: text/plain;
:       charset="iso-8859-1"
: > 
: >     $$STDIN         # Return one element regardless of context.
: >     @$STDIN         # Return number of element wanted by context.
: >     *$STDIN         # Return all element regardless of context.
: > 
: How about
:      $STDIN.$         # Return one element regardless of context.
:      $STDIN.@         # Return number of element wanted by context.
:      $STDIN.*         # Return all element regardless of context.

Well, those would be the same thing according to the identity:

    word $obj

if you consider '$', '@', and '*' as words.  There's some destructive
interference with the Perl 5 dereferencing meaning, which probably
means that casts can't simply be funny characters when there's a $ on
the inside.  That's why I was looking at $: and $< variants.  But
there's also the $() and @() variants, which we've already said will do
interpolation of scalar and list expressions in strings.  So $($foo)
probably means a cast rather than a dereference like ${$foo} (note
curlies).  I suppose it's fair to ask whether $$foo ought to mean the
first rather than the second, but that's definitely going again history
to make it a cast.


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