On 4/28/19 12:01 AM, Timo Paulssen wrote:
especially if it iterates your entire home directory

Don't think so

$ rm -rf ~/.perl6/precomp

$ perl6 --stagestats GetUpdates.pl6
Stage start      :   0.000
Stage parse      :  13.201
Stage syntaxcheck:   0.000
Stage ast        :   0.000
Stage optimize   :   0.362
Stage mast       :   1.099
Stage mbc        :   0.029
Stage moar       :   0.000
Mozilla Mirror <releases.mozilla.org>
Debug is OFF

Does this have anyting to do with it?

17: use lib '/home/linuxutil/p6lib';

'use lib' may not be pre-compiled
at /home/linuxutil/p6lib/CurlUtils.pm6 (CurlUtils):17

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