On 4/28/19 2:21 AM, Timo Paulssen wrote:
the strace command ended up only tracing the shell script "perl6", which very quickly execs moar, at which point strace considers its job done. there was barely any output at all for that reason.

fortunately we can just add -f to the strace command so that it follows processes as they are spawned.

does /home/linuxutil have many files and folders in it?

There are 275 files in it.  Basically all my perl 5, perl 6
and bash scripts, along with a ton of supporting file (tmp, etc.).
I will vpaste an ls if you need it,

was the output from RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG going smoothly, or were there any points where it did any very long pauses?

Could not tell.  I sent the output to a file so I could vpaste it

it does look a little like some of your individual modules have their own "use lib" commands in them, but i'm not exactly sure how it influences precompilation and such.

They do.

Is there another way to get Perl to looks for modules in other directories?

I am out of business for the time being until I get that zef error fixed

Thank you for all the help with this!


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