On 4/20/19 8:58 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

One liners are fast, but my own programs are very slow to start.

I download


To check it out and it also takes ten second to start.

What gives?

Many thanks,

Follow up:  Figured it out.  Well, ALMOST.  (Watch the weasel word.)

First I had to fix up zef.  I posted it on another thread, but
I will repost it here too:

On 4/28/19 4:09 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote: > Well now, too many cooks spoil the stew.

I did a full `dnf remove rakudo rakudo-zef`

Then every "zef" entry (~.zif, /root/.zef, etc.) on my hard
drive and erased it.

And, every perl6 directory (opt, lib64, ~.perl6, etc.)
and erased is too.

Then reinstalled rakudo and rakudo-zef.

Now zef is working right.

Apparently, I hade too many different types/version
of installs out there and everything was getting all
mixed up.

And low and behold, "Stage Parse" went
from 13 seconds to 6 seconds:

$ perl6 --stagestats GetUpdates.pl6
Stage start      :   0.000
Stage parse      :   5.727
Stage syntaxcheck:   0.000
Stage ast        :   0.000
Stage optimize   :   0.369
Stage mast       :   1.210
Stage mbc        :   0.021
Stage moar       :   0.000
Mozilla Mirror <releases.mozilla.org>
Debug is OFF

Still about 5 seconds too slow, but a vast improvement.

Thanks to everyone for all the tips and help!


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