On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> Is there some reason that a new pseudo-architecture has be 
> invented and compiled to? Why can't we simply compile to GCC's 
> RTL and allow gcc to compile to C?
"allow gcc to compile to C"?  Huha?  GCC does C->RTL and RTL->assembler
(of whatever machine), I thought.

> And then just write a RTL->JVM and RTL->CRL converter?
Well, as far as RTL->Parrot Bytecode goes, because RTL tends to assume
that we have some large, byte-addressed memory, which simply isn't true in
parrot's style ot thinking.  You can simulate it with a properly
constructed PMC, of course, but that makes the output be of not much use.

(Of course, I notice you didn't ask that question.)

        -=- James Mastros
"In the case of alchemy v chemistry the chemists know whether it will
probably go bang before they try it (and the chemical engineers still duck
anyway)."       -=- Alan Cox

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