David Whipp writes:
: Peter Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
: > This is all very sensible, and I completely agree with it. 
: > However, don't we
: > need some restrictions on what can go in PRE and POST blocks 
: > to ensure that they are still valid in inherited methods?
: There's another issue: sometimes we don't want to inherit PRE
: conditions. DBC allows a derived method to strengthen (add)
: post-conditions; but to weaken (remove) preconditions. I
: haven't (yet) seen how this weakening would be accomplished.

Damian told me you just handle that by ORing together the
preconditions, but ANDing the postconditions.

: Perhaps the mechanism that controls inheritance of
: preconditions may have a more general applicability?

Underneath it's all just block properties that happen to be closures.
We can do whatever we want with them--as long as we agree on the
definitions of "we" and "want".  Or at least agree to disagree such
that we keep out of each other's way.


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