>Karl Glazebrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disgusted:
> @solution =  (^-@b + sqrt(@b^**2 ^+ 4^*@a^*@c) ) ^/ (2^*@a);


>If I was forced to write vector code like this I *WILL* give up on perl, 
>and resort to Numerical
>Python or IDL instead.

You can always use the map and foreach like we've done all along. And, frankly, I find 
this (surprisingly) legible. It's no great shakes, but there are regexen which are 
signifigantly worse. Remember, your never forced to do much of anything in Perl.

Where I see a big win for hyper operators is in places where the scafolding code 
ordinarly clutters the actual work. I like being able to write

@defaults ^//= 1;

don't you?


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