Austin Hastings:
# --- Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
# > At 8:30 AM -0400 7/16/02, Karl Glazebrook wrote:
# > >I still feel this adds yet another layer of inconsistency and
# > >confusion. I can't look at a piece of code and know what it does, 
# > >without referring up N lines to the top of the scripts.
# > >
# > >How is the infinite loop problem any different from other Halting
# > problems?
# > 
# > It's not, the issue's really with what's better for the common case,
# > which probably won't be PDL stuff. (Unfortunately--I think it's a 
# > nifty realm to work in)
# > 
# Instead of requiring a pragma to use, why not leave it on by default, 
# but required a pragma or a command line option to suppress 
# the warnings
# when "potentially exponential time required" operations take place?
# That is, the math guys say 
# #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w -math 
# and the one-off guys say
# no matherrors;
# and the CGI wonks say 
# "Holy cow, that wasn't what I meant to do! Thanks, perl-parser!"

Because then the CGI wonks will just fill their logfiles, since many of
them are too stupid to use -w and won't expect any warnings.

I think people will find the idea of saying @a ^+ @b really weird as it
is, without it sneaking up on them when they're not looking.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

He who fights and runs away wasted valuable running time with the

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