At 11:08 AM 7/15/2002 -0700, Damien Neil wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 12:34:52AM -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
> > >The last four are reserved by various C and C++ standards.
> >
> > I always hear this, but in real life it is never much of a problem.
> > Especially
> > with a namespace like [Parrot]
>It is a good idea to avoid using the reserved identifier space, not
>only because it avoids conflicts with vendor libraries, but for
>documentation purposes.  The leading underscore means "system internal,
>do not touch"; blurring this meaning doesn't help.
>It's also unnecessary.  It isn't like there aren't perfectly good
>alternatives--what's wrong with "Parrot__"?

Well, what's wrong with Parrot_ ?


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