Sean O'Rourke wrote:

>Have you had a chance to look at doxygen?  It doesn't support Perl, but
>Perl is on the todo list, and (at least a couple of years ago) its C++
>support was pretty impressive.
I'm looking at it right now.  Thanks for the link.  This is the first 
time I have heard of doxygen.   By the way is this an RFC thing?  Should 
this "concept" be submitted to someone other than this group?  Who makes 
the call about what finds its way into perl err ... I mean parrot?  I'm 
super new and am trying to learn the ropes.  And I am trying to write a 
"getting started guide", so I am required to ask seemingly stupid questions.

If others want me to continue with this.  The next step would be to 
throw away 90% of my code and parse the parrotdoc into true XML.  Then 
that opens up parrotdoc to all the functionality of XML.

The style that I submitted is more or less XML with a comment like 
syntax.  I wanted to keep the commenting style simple.  It only has a 
few rules:  
1) Parrotdoc start at the first char of a line.  
2) They need a #. or a *. in front to destinguish them.  
3) The number of dots is the depth of the tag.  
4) The tag is all caps after the dots.
5) A colon is a line continuation charater.  (you only need one after 
the tag to turn it on)
6) A @ assigns the attribute to the Node of that depth
7) A continuation stops with another tag or attribute or just a #.  or a 
*.  .  

for example :
in xml:

<DOCUMENT  title="ParrotDoc Sample" author="Erik Lechak">
    <SECTION title="a sample section">
            This is the text

in perl "parrotdoc" style:

#.DOCUMENT           ParrotDoc Sample
#.@AUTHOR              Erik Lechak
#..SECTION                a sample section               
#...TEXT                      This is the text

in c "parrotdoc" style:
*.DOCUMENT           ParrotDoc Sample
*.@AUTHOR              Erik Lechak
*..SECTION                a sample section               
*...TEXT                      This is the text

Sorry for the long answer to your short question,
Erik Lechak

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