I hate to say this, but I'm still in favor of POD.  It has all of the
functionality required
and is the official commenting style of parrot and perl.  I personally find
POD distasteful,
but since it is the norm, then I think we should stick with it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Lechak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sean O'Rourke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "perl6-internals" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: Self documenting comments for parrot

>   Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> >Have you had a chance to look at doxygen?  It doesn't support Perl, but
> >Perl is on the todo list, and (at least a couple of years ago) its C++
> >support was pretty impressive.
> >
> >http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
> >
> >/s
> >
> >
> >
> I'm looking at it right now.  Thanks for the link.  This is the first
> time I have heard of doxygen.   By the way is this an RFC thing?  Should
> this "concept" be submitted to someone other than this group?  Who makes
> the call about what finds its way into perl err ... I mean parrot?  I'm
> super new and am trying to learn the ropes.  And I am trying to write a
> "getting started guide", so I am required to ask seemingly stupid
> If others want me to continue with this.  The next step would be to
> throw away 90% of my code and parse the parrotdoc into true XML.  Then
> that opens up parrotdoc to all the functionality of XML.
> The style that I submitted is more or less XML with a comment like
> syntax.  I wanted to keep the commenting style simple.  It only has a
> few rules:
> 1) Parrotdoc start at the first char of a line.
> 2) They need a #. or a *. in front to destinguish them.
> 3) The number of dots is the depth of the tag.
> 4) The tag is all caps after the dots.
> 5) A colon is a line continuation charater.  (you only need one after
> the tag to turn it on)
> 6) A @ assigns the attribute to the Node of that depth
> 7) A continuation stops with another tag or attribute or just a #.  or a
> *.  .
> for example :
> in xml:
> <DOCUMENT  title="ParrotDoc Sample" author="Erik Lechak">
>     <SECTION title="a sample section">
>             This is the text
>     </SECTION>
> in perl "parrotdoc" style:
> #.DOCUMENT           ParrotDoc Sample
> #.@AUTHOR              Erik Lechak
> #..SECTION                a sample section
> #...TEXT                      This is the text
> in c "parrotdoc" style:
> /*
> *.DOCUMENT           ParrotDoc Sample
> *.@AUTHOR              Erik Lechak
> *..SECTION                a sample section
> *...TEXT                      This is the text
> */
> Sorry for the long answer to your short question,
> Erik Lechak

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