On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Erik Lechak wrote:
> I'm looking at it right now.  Thanks for the link.  This is the first
> time I have heard of doxygen.

I meant the pointer at least partly as a reminder that this is one wheel
we shouldn't have to reinvent.  I think there are plenty of solutions out
there to the easy problem of marking up documentation, and to that of
embedding blocks of doc in a program.  At some point, we may also want to
cross-link the documentation based on information gathered from the code,
and (at least for C/C++) there are already good tools (doxygen among them)
to handle this much more difficult problem.  Rewriting any of these things
sounds like a lot of work to me.  If it's interesting work to you, please
don't let me hold you back, but if the task were left to me, I'd grab
something ready-made if it were at all possible to do so.

> By the way is this an RFC thing?  Should this "concept" be submitted
> to someone other than this group?  Who makes the call about what finds
> its way into perl err ... I mean parrot?

I'm sure we have a form for wanting to change the official project
documentation format, but I don't remember the number.

> If others want me to continue with this.  The next step would be to
> throw away 90% of my code and parse the parrotdoc into true XML.  Then
> that opens up parrotdoc to all the functionality of XML.

Gack! :)  The beauty of POD is that human beings can actually read it.
XML, on the other hand, can easily become more than half meta-information,
and thus less than half legible.  If I were going the XML route, however,
I'd suggest making it DocBook compatible, since people I've known who like
their docs in XML seem to use that.

btw, I think we'd have a much better idea of whether or not POD does what
we need if we were a bit better at following our existing doc standards...


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