On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:23:51 +0000, Dave Whipp wrote:

> I agree that CVS makes it difficult to change things later (I assume you 
> don't want to risk Subversion in its current state). However, I would 
> suggest that you hold off creating the elaborate structure until we need 
> it. Bucket loads of empty subdirectories benefit no one. And CVS has no 
> problem adding things later.

Yes, I did not make that clear.

> Could you elaborate on you need to change the test harness to "find all 
> of the tests": are you proposing something more complex than "find all 
> *.t files (recursively)"?

No, that's just as complex as we need.  The current test harness says:

        my @tests = @ARGV ? @ARGV : grep !m{^t/parser/}, glob( "t/*/*.t" );

It assumes a one-level hierarchy.  I'd pull out File::Find and remove that
limitation, if there were more levels.

-- c

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