Tanton Gibbs wrote:

Comments on the file:

TODO: Exponential

1.23e1 12.3
1.23E2 123
-1.23e3 -1230
-1.23E4 -12300

I think we should add some negative exponent tests
1.23e-1 .123 (* or is it 0.123?)
12.34e-1 1.234
1.23e-2 .0123 (* or is it 0.0123?)
-1.23e-3 -0.00123
-1.23e-4 -0.000123


TODO: Big Numbers

4611686018427387904 4611686018427387904
1.3209583289235829340 1.3209583289235829340

Negative big numbers
-4611686018427387904 -4611686018427387904
-1.3209583289235829340 -1.3209583289235829340


TODO: Bigger Than Big Number (Infinity)

Inf Inf

Negative Infinity
-Inf -Inf


TODO: Binary

0b0110 6
0B0110 6
-0b0110 -6
0b0_1_1_0 6

No capital B

Woops.  I thought I saw a list message
that allowed them, my bad.

TODO: Octal

0c0777 511
0C0777 511
-0c0777 -511
0c0_7_7_7 511

No capital C -- is it o or c?

Now updated to be lc(o).


0x00ff 255
0x00CC 204
0X00ff 255
0X00CC 204
-0x00ff -255
0x0_0_f_f 255

No capital X

And fixed.

We also might want some way of specifying a test that will cause an
error...for example
0b19  ERROR

I'm not exactly sure how to specify this, but it is often important to
document what is not allowed along with what is allowed.


Joseph F. Ryan

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