"Chromatic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
> Where would you like to generate the test files?  Would it be part of the
> standard 'make' target?  Would it happen at the start of 'make test'?
Would we
> do it before checking the test files into source control?

My usual approach is to checkin the generator, then run it as part
of the test. If we were using Make for tests, then I could imagine:

foo.result: foo.t
    foo.t > foo.result

foo.t: foo.t.pl
    perl -w foo.t.pl > foo.t

I haven't actually looked at your harness, but I'm sure something
similar would work.

If the test-suite is run on multiple platforms from a shared
source-directory, then
you might choose to only run the generator once. but OTOH, it might be that
the generator knows of platform-specific issues and customizes the tests.


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