[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damian Conway) writes:
> Of course, as long as you can call C<part> without explicitly loading
> a module, it's merely a philosophical distinction as to whether
> C<part> is core or not.

Well, no; it's an implementation distinction too. Non-core methods
    1) don't mean anything special to the compiler
    2) can be implemented in C, Perl, Parrot, or whatever else we like
and 3) can be added or taken away without affecting the basic design of
       the language
all of which means
    4) we don't have to worry about them quite yet.

Although the concept of having a data type called an array is core to
the design of Perl 6, the precise clever methods those arrays respond to
can be added organically later, or even customized by the end-user.

Basically, I'm just saying that we don't have to put everything in at
once.  Let's have finish carving the statue before we decide what
shade of vermillion to paint its toenails.

>Almost any animal is capable learning a stimulus/response association,
>given enough repetition.
Experimental observation suggests that this isn't true if double-clicking
is involved. - Lionel, Malcolm Ray, asr.

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