On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 00:28, Gopal V wrote:
> If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > language-level "we're object-oriented dammit!" objects, not the 
> > lower-level stuff we're currently working with) should/will behave.
> yay ! ... finally !

The moment we've all been waiting for :)

> > reference-style objects and non-reference values. 
> How large can a non-reference value be ? ... (in the .NET opcodes the
> 'struct' seems to be unlimited in size ...) But well, I'd settle for 
> a non-reference of at least large integers (64bit)...
> And how will non-reference values dispatch methods ? ... would they be
> "boxed" into a reference for each method call, so that the method call
> can modify them ? ...or are all non-reference values immutable ?....
> to put it down clearly ...
> MyValueType a;
> a.Modify();
> would a be able to modify itself ? (unfortunately C# allows that)

So does ruby.  We need that :)


Erik Bågfors               | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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