> At 6:56 PM +0530 1/4/03, Gopal V wrote:
>>If memory serves me right, Erik Bågfors wrote:
>>>  > >>  would a be able to modify itself ? (unfortunately C# allows
>>> that)
>>>  > >
>>To clarify here's my example ...
>>using System;
>>public struct MyStruct
>>      int val;
>>      public MyStruct(int x){ val=x; }
>>      public void Modify(){ val=42; }
>>      public override String ToString(){ return val.ToString(); }
>>public class FooBar
>>      public static void Main()
>>      {
>>              MyStruct m1=new MyStruct(10);
>>              MyStruct m2=m1;
>>              m1.Modify();
>>              Console.WriteLine(m1);
>>              Console.WriteLine(m2);
>>      }
>>=end cut
>>Which gives
>>If in anycase Parrot wants to avoid this , we could always add a
>> special case to the ILNode_Assign to generate an explicit copy step in
>> parrot for valuetypes...
> Why would we want to avoid this? It looks exactly like what ought to
> happen.

I think he was explaining what he meant in another post that someone
questioned, with this example; then the "wants to avoid this" referred to
"avoiding the easy-path error of NOT doing this".  I think Gopal was
saying that C#/NET does it that way, and I can't imagine him asking to
have functionality he explicitly needs to be "carefully avoided" :)

OTOH, I may have misread a bunch of things, I'm not doing so hot on my
interpretations the last few days :o


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