If memory serves me right, Chris Dutton wrote:
> Actually, if you really want Eiffel to compile to Parrot, it might be 
> interesting to work on getting ANSI C to compile to Parrot first, since 
> most Eiffel compilers use compilation to C as an intermediate step.

This won't be too much of stretch .... We already have an ANSI C compiler
working well with DotGNU pnet.. (with a IL output plugin)...

<log of="#dotgnu" on="22-10-2002">

[11:31] <rhysw> Dan: to go off on a different tangent now - C support
[11:31] <rhysw> Dan: compiling C to Parrot, that is
[11:31] <Dan> Ah, that. Yeah, definitely doable. It'll be rather slow, though
[11:31] <Dan> Our function call overhead's rather large compared to what C needs
[11:32] <Dan> Still, I find the thought of C with native continuations rather 
interesting. Scary, but interesting
[11:32] <rhysw> Dan: I was more thinking of the memory layout issues.  C code is very 
particular about struct layout, array representation, etc.  I didn't see any opcodes 
that would allow one to do "pull an int32 out of offset N from this pointer".
[11:33] <Dan> C's not at all particular about struct layout, unless they changed the 
[11:33] <Dan> Still, you can do them either with struct PMCs, whcih'd be slowish, or 
with the pack/unpack opcodes, which I bet are insufficiently documetned
[11:34] Action: Dan apparently can't type this evening
[11:35] <Dan> Still, the packed structures need more thoght. Hrm.
[11:35] <rhysw> Dan: I suppose a better question would be "is supporting C a goal, or 
would it just be a cool hack but otherwise uninteresting?"
[11:36] <rhysw> because, as you say, it wouldn't be terribly efficient ...
[11:36] <Dan> Neither, really. It's interesting in the sense that it'd let people use 
code that they otherwise couldn't, if they don't have a C compiler for.
[11:36] <Dan> But it's definitely not a primary goal
[11:36] <Dan> Consider it both mildly interesting and mildly bemusing :)
[11:37] <fitzix> Dan: It could make it very useful as a power tool
[11:37] <Kyeran> Could someone toss up the Parrot URL so I can find out what it is? :)
[11:37] <fitzix> Dan: sort of a "swiss army knife" kind of thing
[11:37] <Dan> True, but I'm not willing to lose sight of the primary goal for it.


Was our last conversation about Parrot & C compilers .. 

We'll be adding a Parrot codegen for the compiler backend , as soon as the 
Objects are set in stone.... So possibly there exists a possibility for doing
up the C compiler (with codegen tweaking) to develop a C compiler targetting

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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