On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 10:12:42AM +0530, Gopal V wrote:
> If memory serves me right, Chris Dutton wrote:
> > Actually, if you really want Eiffel to compile to Parrot, it might be 
> > interesting to work on getting ANSI C to compile to Parrot first, since 
> > most Eiffel compilers use compilation to C as an intermediate step.

> [11:32] <rhysw> Dan: I was more thinking of the memory layout issues.  C code is 
>very particular about struct layout, array representation, etc.  I didn't see any 
>opcodes that would allow one to do "pull an int32 out of offset N from this pointer".
> [11:33] <Dan> C's not at all particular about struct layout, unless they changed the 
> [11:33] <Dan> Still, you can do them either with struct PMCs, whcih'd be slowish, or 
>with the pack/unpack opcodes, which I bet are insufficiently documetned

Probably this has all been worked out by now, but Rhys and Dan are coming at
it from different angles. C isn't fussy, but the ABI for a platform is very
fussy. I presume Rhys is thinking about compiling C code to parrot, and then
linking through to native C code (such as the native standard C library) via
parrot. Dan's assuming that C code we compile never wants to call out to the
platform. If I remember the terms correctly, Dan's thinking about
free standing C implementations. Effectively that would give Inline::C
without needing a C compiler, but you'd not be able to call out from your
C code.

What Rhys is thinking about is potentially far more interesting, as it would
allow the perl6 version of Inline::C to wrap external libraries supplied
only as objects and headers, without needing a C compiler on the machine.
It's also harder, partly because such a system would need to know the ABI for
each platform you wanted to do this on.

But if anyone has tuits, could we have a z-code interpreter first please?
Or better still, a unified, fast, assembler?
(with a pony?)

Nicholas Clark

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