On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 11:49:14 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 1:37 PM +0000 1/10/03, Peter Haworth wrote:
> >On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 16:40:20 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >>  #10 We do MI, but we don't instantiate a class' attributes multiple
> >>    times if its in the hierarchy for a class more than once. If it is,
> >>    the leftmost instance is real, the rest are virtual
> >
> >This will mean we can't support Eiffel
> Nope. :)

I realised this soon after leaving for the weekend, thus leaving myself
looking stupid for an extended period of time :-)

> Eiffel's classes, IIRC, are compile-time fixed so it can do the necessary
> code cloning and renaming magic to make it all work.

Exactly. At the implementation level you end up directly inheriting once
from the offending class, and reimplementing some/all of the features for
the repeated inheritance, either directly in the derived class, or in a
specially constructed modified copy of the base class which is only used for
inheritance by the derived class.

I'm not an Eiffel programmer either, but I have read OOSC, so I know enough
to make me dangerous.

        Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Next thing you're going to tell me the commentary on Slashdot isn't
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