Mr. Nobody:
# I have to wonder how many people actually like this syntax, 
# and how many only say they do because it's Damian Conway who 
# proposed it. And map/grep aren't "specialized syntax", you 

IIRC Damian also supports Unicode operators (and may have originated the
idea), and obviously many people don't like them.

# could do the same thing with a sub with a prototype of 
# (&block, *@list).

Great.  That could mean it won't work right for MyCustomArrayLikeThing.

# > 2) You might be able to combine L2R and R2L piping in one statement.
# > Maybe.
# Oh goody. I was worrying they might not be confusing enough.

There are a lot of confusing syntaxes in Perl--if you don't believe me,
go look at the Obfuscation section on PerlMonks.  :^)  That doesn't mean
we try to get rid of them--we just tell people not to use them, and they
don't unless they're trying to be perverse.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

"If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible."
    --Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

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