
after quite a long time away from keyboard and fighting through a huge
backlog of mail I'm (hopefully) back again.

Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Since it looks like it's time to extend the packfile format and the
> in-memory bytecode layout, this would be the time to start discussing
> metadata. What sorts of metadata do people think are useful to have in
> either the packfile (on disk) or in the bytecode (in memory).

My current idea for the in memory format of the bytecode is this:
One bytecodesegment is a PMC consisting of three parts the actual
bytecode (a flat array of opcode_t), the associated constants, which
don't fit into an opcode_t (floats and strings), and a scratch area
for the JITed code. All other Metadata will be attached as
properties (or maybe as elements of an aggregate). This will be an
easy way for future extension. The invoke call to this pmc would
simply start the bytecode from the first instruction.

To support inter-segment jumps a kind of symboltable is also
neccessary. All externally reachable codepoints need some special
markup. This could be a special opcode extlabel_sc or an entry in a
symboltable. Also needed is a fixup of the outgoing calls, either via
modification of the bytecode or via a jumptable. Both have their pros
and cons: The bytecode modifcation prohibits a readonly mmap of the
data on disk and the fixup needs to be done at load-time but once this
is done the impact on the runtimespeed is minimal, whereas the
jumpcode is on extra indirection. But as stated somewere else the
typical inter-segment jump will be call/tailcall/callmethod/invoke,
which are at least two indirections.

The on disk version is a matter of serializing and deserializing this

> Keep in mind that parrot may be in the position where it has to ignore
> or mistrust the metadata, so be really cautious with things you
> propose as required.

Ok to summarize:

ByteCodeSegment = {
  bytecode  => requiered;
  constants => only neccessary if string or num constants;
  fixup     => (or jumptable) only neccessary if outgoing jumps;
  symbols   => all possible incomming branchpoints, optional;
  JIT       => will be filled when bytecode is invoked;

  source    => surely optional;
  debuginfo => also optional;

Juergen Boemmels                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik                      Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern             Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
PGP Key fingerprint = 9F 56 54 3D 45 C1 32 6F  23 F6 C7 2F 85 93 DD 47

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