"Andy Dougherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is that with a clean build tree, there are no *.o files
> down in languages/imcc/ at the point when that target is reached.
> Hence make doesn't have anything to expand *.o as, and quite reasonably
> complains.  If, however, there is even a single .o file in that
> directory, then the wildcard is expanded as you'd expect and the make
> proceeds.

If you want a version of make where non-extisting files will still match the
wildcards (because the wildard engine looks at Make's DAG), you might want
to look at makepp (http://makepp.sourceforge.net). Its written in Perl, so
should be portable to everywhere parrot needs to build. Its blurb makes it
look pretty good, though I've not yet used it in a real project.


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