> At 10:05 AM 7/31/2003 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
> >Well, I don't think it's possible, actually.  There's a flattening
> >list context at the beginning (implying a sugary drink from 7 eleven),
> >followed by a code block.  But, as we know, slurpy arrays can only
> >come at the end of positional parameters.
> Anyone but me feel the need for non-greedy slurpy arrays? similar to
> non-greedy RE matches?
> Then we could do:
> sub for ([EMAIL PROTECTED], &block) {...}
> Proposed behavior of *?@ : All Arguement to Parameter mapping left of it
> are processed Left to Right. Once seen, the mapping starts over right to
> left. Everything remaining is slurpable.
> Yes, it's more expensive to use, just like the RE version, but shouldn't
> impact performance _too_ bad when it's not, since the behavior will be
> detectable at compile time.
> Thoughts?

Doing something like that was what came to my mind right away when I read
what Luke put too...  It "feels right" to me, though I don't know that
counts for much.  :-)


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