> Anyone but me feel the need for non-greedy
> slurpy arrays? similar to non-greedy RE matches?

I definately like the idea of having something like that.  It probably
wouldn't be used much, but it is nice to have the option.

One thing though, can't you accomplish the same thing by slurping
everything, then poping the block off of the array?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rod Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:56 PM
To: Perl 6 Language
Subject: Re: Perl 6's for() signature

At 10:05 AM 7/31/2003 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
>Well, I don't think it's possible, actually.  There's a flattening
>list context at the beginning (implying a sugary drink from 7 eleven),
>followed by a code block.  But, as we know, slurpy arrays can only
>come at the end of positional parameters.

Anyone but me feel the need for non-greedy slurpy arrays? similar to 
non-greedy RE matches?
Then we could do:

sub for ([EMAIL PROTECTED], &block) {...}

Proposed behavior of *?@ : All Arguement to Parameter mapping left of it 
are processed Left to Right. Once seen, the mapping starts over right to 
left. Everything remaining is slurpable.

Yes, it's more expensive to use, just like the RE version, but shouldn't 
impact performance _too_ bad when it's not, since the behavior will be 
detectable at compile time.


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