----- Original Message -----
From: "Michal Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 2:25 AM
Subject: generic code generator? [was: subroutines and python status]

> On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, K Stol wrote:
> > > From: "Leon Brocard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...
> > > I don't like things becoming dead-ends. How much work do you think
> > > it'd be to extend it some more and update it to latest Lua?
> ...
> > 2: I misdesigned the code generator; that is, at the point where I
> > couldn't start over, it was too late, the code generator was too big
> > already (it was unmaintainable). But because I had a time schedule,
> > I kept it this way (the product itself wasn't the most important
> > thing, I was writing an undergraduate report for the last semester
> > of my education (for the record: the project served me well, I
> > finished this education))
> > > Would it be worth checking this into parrot CVS?
> >
> > Only if the thing would be working, otherwise it would only be a
> > source of confusion and frustration.  Now I'm just thinking very
> > hard to decide if I've got enough spare time to rewrite the code
> > generator....

At this moment, I'm looking at a new version of Lua, the previous 'pirate'
compiled (well, sort of :-) Lua 4
Lua 5 has some features, such as coroutines (If I remembered well) and all
kinds of neat stuff for which Parrot
has built-in support (and it dropped some/a feature(s) from Lua 4). I think
I'll try to create a parser for Lua 5, and to recreate a Lua/Parrot compiler
(should go a lot easier now that I had the time to think about the errors I
> Hmm. I've only messed around with Lua for a few hours
> though, and it was several months ago, but the Lua
> language seems to be pretty similar to python.

A few days ago I had a look at Python, and I noticed the similarities, too.
Also the fact that python was noted to be a language that can be used in an
embedded way  reminded me of this similarity (Lua was more or less created
for this: extending/embedding).
> Really, there's a ton of overlap between the various
> "high level" languages that parrot wants to support.
> Maybe we could put together a generic code generator
> that everyone could use? Obviously, it would have to
> be set up so you could override the parts for each
> language, but it shouldn't be too terribly hard.

Sounds like quite a challenge, but a good idea, and I think worth a try.

> What do you think? Want to try squishing pirate/python
> and pirate/lua together? :)

Yeah, I like the idea. Let's try this out.

> Sincerely,
> Michal J Wallace
> Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
> -------------------------------------
> contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
> my site: http://www.withoutane.com/
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