At 06:48 PM 11/24/2003 +0100, Jerome Quelin wrote:
Melvin Smith wrote:
> I just checked in an intial IMCC faq (parrot/imcc/docs/imcfaq.pod)

Great job. Attached you'll find some corrections for typos.

Thanks. BTW Robert has linked the HTML FAQ to the site. You can get to it from the Resources tab, or just go straight to

I much prefer reading it in a browser.

> Feel free to send me more questions for the FAQ.

Ok, here are some more (some questions are easy - but a faq should also
have some easy items -, others are not yet possible, but anyway):

* How does one retrieve arguments given on the command-line?
* How does one call a function? With arguments? With a variable number
of arguments? Get the return value(s) of a sub?
* How does one read from a file? stdin? unbuffered stdin?
* How does one create socket and network stuff?
* How does one launch an exception? trap an exception?
* How does one create a class? instanciate an object?

I'll get to work on these. Look for something tonight or tomorrow. Some of this refreshes my memory on things I need to implement.


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