>>At 5:38 PM +0000 11/27/03, Pete Lomax wrote:
>>>>At 12:02 PM 11/27/2003 +0000, Pete Lomax wrote:
>>>>>Perl6 already does interpolation without special support from IMCC.
>>>I'll rephrase. Is there anything knocking about which would help with
>>>printf (pFile, "Amount %12.3f [%-10.10s]\n",balance,name);

Also, interpolation and (printf-style) formatting are completely
different beasts.  Just think of interpolation as fancy syntax, or as
a mini-language:

    "$x and @y and @{[something()]}"


    stringify($x).' and '.stringify(@y).' '.stringify(something())

inside the compiler.  P6C rips apart strings inside the parser and
outputs code for the above.  Since this translation will be different
for every language, I don't think there's much code that can be


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