On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:06:46PM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> As far as users of your class being able to specify that they want 
> something runtime-extensible, when your original module didn't call for 
> it, I don't see that as a problem, if they can just add the trait to 
> your class shortly after they C<use> the package containing it, if such 
> things are possible 

I think it kind of hinges on the ability to undo optimizations.

Just to restate things a bit to make sure I understand ... when perl
compiles a class, it assumes it's closed and accordingly applies
whatever optimizations it can unless it sees that the programmer
explicitly asked otherwise. Those classes that are "closed" can be
opened at run-time and the user pays the penalty then when they try to
modify the class (and pays twice because of the compile-time
optimizations that perl applied and are now undoing).

But does everybody pay some penalty because of it?  I hope not.
Presumably we keep the source around for a reparse if necessary
anyway?  Or perhaps we have "unoptimized" bytecode laying around ready
to be switched in for the optimized bytecode when necessary.

>   class Wombat { ... };               # Not runtime extensible
>   class MyWombat is Wombat
>       is runtime_extensible { ... };  # Runtime extensible
> Now, it might be that declaring MyWombat to be runtime_extensible 
> actually silently disables some compile-time optimizations not only for 
> it, but for all its superclasses/roles/etc., depending on how 
> intelligent and far reaching those optimizations may be.  

I hope not.

> Not sure.  
> Still, the fact that you are _requesting_ that happen is specific to 
> the particular class that needs it -- and should be associated with 
> that class, 


> such that if that class later falls into disuse, the 
> optimizations silently reappear.

That would be *some* trick!

Jonathan Scott Duff

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