Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 12:20 PM, Gordon Henriksen wrote:
>> finally by default? None for me; thanks, though.
> I don't think so; we're just talking about whether you can extend a
> class at _runtime_, not _compiletime_.  Whether or not Perl can have
> some degree of confidence that, once a program is compiled, it won't
> have to assume the worst-case possibility of runtime alteration of
> every class, upon every single method call, just in case you've
> screwed with something.

There's still a hell of a lot of stuff you can do with 'cached'
optimization that can be thrown away if anything changes. What the
'final' type declarations would do is allow the compiler to throw away
the unoptimized paths and the checks for dynamic changes that mean the
optimization has to be thrown out and started again.

Beware the Perl 6 early morning joggers -- Allison Randal

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