Michael Lazzaro wrote:

> I don't think so; we're just talking about whether you can extend a 
> class at _runtime_, not _compiletime_.  Whether or not Perl can have 
> some degree of confidence that, once a program is compiled, it won't 
> have to assume the worst-case possibility of runtime alteration of 
> every class, upon every single method call, just in case 
> you've screwed with something.

That's a cute way of glossing over the problem.

How do you truly know when runtime is in the first place? Imagine an
application server which parses and loads code from files on-demand.
This shouldn't be difficult. Imagine that that code references a
system of modules.

Imagine if Perl "finalizes" classes after "primary compilation"
(after parsing, say, an ApacheHandler file), and proceeds to behave
quite differently indeed afterwards.

Imagine that a perfectly innocent coder finds that his class
library doesn't run the same (doesn't run at all) under the
application server as it does when driven from command line scripts:
His method overrides don't take effect (or, worse, Perl tells him he
can't even compile them because the class is already "finalized"! And
he thought Perl was a dynamic language!).

What's his recourse? Nothing friendly. Tell Perl that he's going
to subclass the classes he subclasses? Why? He already subclasses
them! Isn't that "tell" enough? And how? Some obscure configuration
file of the application server, no doubt. And now the app server needs
to be restarted if that list changes. His uptime just went down. And
now he can't have confidence that his system will continue to behave
consistently over time; "apachectl restart" becomes a part of his
development troubleshooting lexicon.

Java doesn't make him do that; HotSpot can make this optimization at
runtime and back it out if necessary. Maybe he'll just write a JSP

C# and VB.NET do likewise. ASP.NET isn't looking so bad, either. The
.NET Frameworks are sure a lot less annoying than the Java class
library, after all.

Point of fact, for a large set of important usage cases, Perl simply
can't presume that classes will EVER cease being introduced into the
program. That means it can NEVER make these sorts of optimizations
unless it is prepared to back them out. Even in conventional programs,
dynamic class loading is increasingly unavoidable. Forcing virtuous
programmers to declare "virtual" (lest their program misbehave or
their perfectly valid bytecode fail to load, or their perfectly valid
source code fail to compile) is far worse than allowing foolish
programmers to declare "final."

Making semantic distinctions of this scale between "compile time"
and "runtime" will be a significant blow to Perl, which has always been
strengthened by its dynamism. Its competitors do not include such
artifacts; they perform class finalization optimizations on the fly,
and, despite the complexity of the task, are prepared to back out these
optimizations at runtime--while the optimized routines are executing,
if necessary. Yes, this requires synchronization points, notifications
(or inline checks), and limits code motion. Better than the
alternative, I say. It is very simply a huge step backwards to
create a semantic wall between primary compilation and program

So write the complicated code to make it work right.
- or -
Take the performance hit and go home.

Dynamism has a price. Perl has always paid it in the past. What's


Gordon Henriksen
IT Manager
ICLUBcentral Inc.

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