Proposal C<stat> opcode and interface

1) ops

  stat (out PMC, in STR, in INT)
  stat (out PMC, in PMC, in INT)

Return a new array-like[1] PMC $1 with file stats from file (PIO or string) $2,
or PerlUndef, if file doesn't exist, $3 are flags:


The array(-like) has keyed access with these keys


  .PARROT_STAT_MODE a bitmask with these bits:
     [ more platform-unspecific bits ]

  .PARROT_STAT_PERM a bitmask with these bits

.PARROT_STAT_MTIME modified time

  .PARROT_STAT_OS_TYPE a constant defining the os-specific
     part that follows

      A (Un)?ManagedStruct PMC with OS-specific data like a
       struct stat64

2) Interface

   PMC* Parrot_stat_s(Interp*, STRING* file, INTVAL flags);
   PMC* Parrot_stat_p(Interp*, PMC*    pio,  INTVAL flags);

3) Interface to platforms

INTVAL Parrot_stat_os_s(Interp*, Parrot_stat*, STRING* file, INTVAL flags);
INTVAL Parrot_stat_os_p(Interp*, Parrot_stat*, PMC* pio, INTVAL flags);

   typedef struct _parrot_stat {
      size64_t size;
      UINTVAL mode;
      UINTVAL perm;
      FLOATVAL mtime;  // in Parrot units
      UINTVAL os_stat_type;
      union {
        struct stat;
        struct stat64;
     } u;
   } Parrot_stat;

4) Notes
The information in the first few fields should not be platform
specific. If platforms have more in common then above bits, the
structure should be expanded.

[1] it needs just these vtables implemeted: I0 = P0[i], N0 = P0[i],
i.e. get_{integer,number}_keyed_int

Comments, improvements, and implementations thereafter welcome

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