On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 08:43:11AM +0000, Arthur Bergman wrote:
> On 16 Mar 2004, at 06:36, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> >But - as Dan did say - the plan for Parrot is to install signal
> >handlers by default.

We should distinguish between the Parrot core and the parrot
executable command. The parrot executable command can use the
extension interface to indicate that it wants signal handlers to
be installed.

Embedding parrot is an important goal. It seems inappropriate for
the parrot core to alter the state of the process, like installing
signal handlers, without providing some way for that to be disabled.

> >[1] BTW: Why does Ponie use the rather limited extension interface?
> Because Dan said so, and because doing an include parrot.h in perl 
> leads to one million or so cpp and gcc errors.

And because it's a good way to push the extension interface so it's
sufficiently capable to being used to embed Parrot anywhere.
Web servers and database servers being obvious examples.


p.s. I suspect there are valuable lessons to be learnt from the work
Sarathy and ActiveState did on embedding Perl.

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