On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 05:13:19PM -0400, stevan little wrote:
> On May 11, 2004, at 2:47 PM, Andy Lester wrote:
> >>One concern just popped into my head... I'd like to not have to
> >>depend on very recent versions of Test::More. Can you look into
> >>that and make recommendations about what version of Test::More
> >>we should use as a minimum?
> This brings up a point of how backwards compatible do you (Tim) want 
> this all too be? I assume that DBI needs to support the widest possible 
> audience,

Yes. As far as practical.

> but is there any official "must be supported" list that we 
> should know about?

Perl 5.6.1 is the official minimum. I started using Test::More a few
releases ago even though its not part of 5.6.1 and no one complained.

> >The most "very recent" version of Test::More is from August 2002.
> I agree with this, I think the furthest back I would want to go is 0.40 
> (Dec 2001), since that was when cmp_ok was added, and I use that pretty 
> heavily.

I've added that version to PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL


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