On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 10:52:32PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> My console can be any of several platforms - in the last couple of weeks 
> it has been a Linux box, a Windows PC, a Mac, a Sun workstation, and a 
> real vt320 attached to a Sun.  My mail sits on a hosted Linux box.  To 
> read it, I sometimes ssh in to the machine and read it using mutt in 
> screen.  At other times I read it using Mozilla Thunderbird over IMAP. 
> In Thunderbird, the odd characters show up.  But when I'm using a 
> terminal session, I have found that the only practical way of getting 
> consistent behaviour wherever I am is to use TERM=vt100.  Windows is, of 
> course, the main culprit in forcing me to vt100 emulation.

I can recommend PuTTY for windows. Secure, small[1], fast, featureful
and free: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

I'm using it now to ssh from a windows laptop to read email using
mutt in screen.


[1] So small it easily fits on a floppy. I keep a copy on my USB memory drive.

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