On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:

>   Bignums!
>     Dan asked for a volunteer to get Bignums working. Alin Iacob stepped up
>     to the plate. Leo suggested that, rather than starting from
>     types/bignum.c, it might be better to use an existing, maintained, maths
>     (Look, I'll spell 'summarise' with a 'z' -- the OED does -- but it will
>     be a cold, cold day in hell when I start abbreviating 'mathematics' as
>     'math'. Ahem.) package. Dan worried about license compatibility; the
>     proposed GMP package is licensed under the LGPL which may (or may not)
>     be compatible with Parrots Artistic/GPL dual licence. After a closer
>     reading he reckoned that GMP's license is definitely incompatible with
>     Parrot.
>     http://groups.google.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The license issues there require that the full source of GMP ship with any
binary copy. (the license has no "provide a place to fetch it"
provision--the source is required) Which would make the Gameboy version
of Parrot somewhat cumbersome. :)

>   Resizeable*Array classes
>     Fresh from his Fixed Array triumph, Matt Fowles posted a patch
>     implementing naÃve Resizeable Arrays. Leo thought it a little too naÃve,
>     and worried about duplication of existing functionality. Dan wasn't
>     worried about the naÃvetÃ, or the duplication of functionality. He
>     pointed out that it was more important to get *something* which could be
>     improved and that the duplication was okay given that the idea was to
>     get a standard framework in place and then eliminate the duplication. (I
>     admit that I'm a little surprised to hear Dan, who's normally a strong
>     advocate of up front design, preaching the refactorers creed...)

Ah, but the design is already fixed. And I'm a big advocate of "I don't
care if it's implemented by the appropriate application of garden gnomes
so long as it works" school of thought. The code is close to irrelevant,
it's the architecture and API of a black box and the system that
box exists in that's important.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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