Dave Whipp wrote:

"Rod Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Uhm, my impression was that most of the "huffmanization" discussion was
centered around declaring a file handle to be read only, write only,
read-write, exclusive, etc. Masking the file handle with what basically
amounts to a file handle subclass like you describe will still need to
allow the user to specify all those attributes.

So you would still need to allow:
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :rw );
my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo.txt" :excl );

my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is rw; my $text is TextFile("/tmp/foo") is const;

truncate Vs append would be infered from usage (assign => truncate). One
might be able to infer read Vs write in a similar way -- open the file based
on the first access; re-open it (behind the scenes) if we write it after
reading it.

Case 1:
So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could just declare the file open for read and write at open time.

Case 2:
I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read only, and trigger an error on the write command.

What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both these cases in a coherent fashion?

:excl would probably need to be an option, but is not sufficiently common to
be agressively huffmanised:
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt", :no_overwrite);
my $text is TextFile("foo.txt") does no_overwrite;

ot that having wrapper classes for file handles is a bad idea, it just
doesn't relate to what I saw being discussed.
Oh, and "TextFile" should be spelled "IO::File::Text", IMHO.

Possibly, but would need a hufmanized alias for common use. Possible just

s/file/open/ and we're back where we started.

my Str $text is file("foo.txt") does no_follow_symlink does no_create;

my $text = open("foo.txt" :no_follow_symlink :no_create);

I don't think anyone (read: Larry) has declared exactly what the capabilities of the default file handle object are yet. It seems me that you could very well get what you want.

-- Rod Adams

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