On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Andrew Shitov wrote:

> DW>   my $text is TextFile("/tmp/bar");
> DW>   $text = "hello"; # writes, truncates
> DW>   $text ~= ", world\n"; # appends
> DW>   $text.print "again\n"; # for old-times sake
> Anyhow we still need $text.flush() or $text.close() methods.

Not necessarily if lexically scoped, just as in (recent enough) perl5...

>A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
>Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich on sci.math, thread "Who is Green?"

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