"Rod Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Case 1:
> So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start
> reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the
> part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly
> the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And
> all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable
> with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could
> just declare the file open for read and write at open time.
> Case 2:
> I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently
> use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just
> clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read
> only, and trigger an error on the write command.
> What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both
> these cases in a coherent fashion?

Firstly, I must say that if you phase a problems in terms of a solution,
then its not surprising that the solution looks a bit your problem statement
(E.g. "start reading in data" -- the important thing is to process it, not
to read it) From a users point of view, you're just doing string

for $text.lines { /:w ^myfield (\d+)/ and $1 = "X" x $1.chars }

Under the hood, I don't really care, as long as it works (and is
sufficiently efficient). There are obvious implementations that might be a
bit inefficient on the first iteration (e.g. close and reopen). Quite
frankly, the number of times I open unstructured files in rd/wr mode in a
typical program can be measured on the fingers of one foot! If I want to do
a R-M-W operation then I do like -i, and use a tmp file. Maybe the
hypothetical TextFile object would do the same (by default). If I want to
micromanage the actual access to the file object, then I'd be happy to
c<use> a module that lets me manipulate file handles directly. I just don't
see that as the common case.

Your case 2 is easy: "my Str $passwds is File("/etc/passwd") is const". With
that, we might even catch your error at compile time.

> s/file/open/ and we're back where we started.

Except that we've lost a layer of abstraction: the programmer manipulates a
file's contents, not its accessor. Text files would be just an
implementation of strings. No need to learn/use a different set of
operators. Want to read bytes: use $str.bytes. Graphemes: $str.graphs. Also,
we use the existing access control mechanisms ("is rw", "is const", instead
of inventing new ones to pass to the C<open> function as named-args).

Alan Cooper, in his book on human-computer interface design, makes the case
that files are an obsolete abstraction for users. I guess I'm making the
same argument for programmers.


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