On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 07:35:08PM +0200, Aldo Calpini wrote:
> Larry Wall wrote:
> >Hmm.  That makes me wonder what the slice notation for "everything" is.
> > 
> >
> maybe @foo[..] (a short form for @foo[0..Inf]) ? 

Surely you mean [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of 0..Inf

> %foo{..} should also be allowed, of course (which unfortunately is not
> a short form for ..Inf).

The "long way" is %foo{%foo.keys} and @[EMAIL PROTECTED] Maybe we
could use %foo{%} and @[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Nah, I still like .. as the
"everything" iterator:  @foo[..] %foo{..}

> or perhaps, with a slight analogy with filesystems, @foo[*]
> and %foo{*}. 

Doesn't feel right at all.

Jonathan Scott Duff                     Division of Nearshore Research
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Senior Systems Analyst II

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