Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:00:39PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
> : On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 19:35, Luke Palmer wrote:
> : 
> : > The New Way (tm) to do that would probably be sticking a role onto the
> : > array object with which you're dealing:
> : > 
> : >     my @foo does separator('//') = (1,2,3,4,5);
> : >     say "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";   # 1//2//3//4//5
> : 
> : Shh, no one's let slip the idea of curried roles yet!  I'm not even
> : certain A12 mentioned parametric roles, let alone first-class roles.
> Well, A12 did talk about parametric roles, but I glossed over the
> first-class roles a bit.  I didn't want to scare people with
>     $foo does $bar
> though, of course, there's no reason in principle you shouldn't be able
> to do that as a run-time operation.  You just can't instantiate a role
> object.  The murky area in the middle is, of course, how you specify
> an initial value aimed at the attributes of a particular role without
> creating a "real" object containing just those values.  Passing around
> lists of pairs is probably good enough for that, as long as you can
> keep straight which list of pairs is intended to initialize which
> roles.

I really hope you change your mind about this; the sooner I can get
that wild and crazy list of pairs nicely stashed in their appropriate
role objects, the happier I'll be about the resilience of my code.

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