> The first thing I noticed after using Devel::Cover was how much output 
> it generates. The HTML files depicting the line-by-line status of the 
> coverage are enormous.

I assume you're talking about the large amount of data reported and not 
the actual file sizes? The "HTML files are massive" problem was fixed 
quite a while ago.

> As an alternative, I generated a plain-text file like so:
>     cover cover_db -report=text > LC_coverage_20040814.txt
> Even that file was large.

You're generating basically the same report in a different format. You 
should expect the same volume of data.

> Since my coverage was fairly good to begin with, what I *really* 
> wanted was a smaller file which reported on the uncovered elements.
> [...]
> Can Devel::Cover's 'cover' program be used to generate reports of 
> uncovered statements/branches/conditions/only?

No. There's (currently) no option for doing so. The HTML is well formed, 
though, which should make building a filter easy if you know how the 
formatting works. ;) e.g.:

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<>) {
        # remove source lines with no coverage data
        next if (/class="s"/ && ! /class="c."/);
        # remove source lines without at least some missing coverage
        next if (/class="c."/ && ! /class="c[012]"/);


Add a little nice packaging and that should do the trick.


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