On 8/23/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Adams) wrote:

>What if we add C<doc> attribute that the execution compiler would 
>discard, but POD compilers (and debuggers) could make use of? I 
>believe that would even allow a particularly stringent corporate 
>policy to create a flavor of 'strict' which required documentation of 
>various classes of elements (though whether anyone would work there is 
>another question...).


>sub foo :doc("take an Foo::Bar, and foo it over.") {
>         Foo::Bar       $bar      :doc("what to foo up."),
>         Quux::Xyzzy    $xyzzy    :doc("Xyzzy to foo bar with"),  
>         +$verbose,
>         +$foo          #etc....

Yeah, I was thinking of something like that.  And it's not even uncommon 
to have comments explaining what variables are for, only this way you'd 
get something structured instead of just:
          Foo::Bar $bar,          # what to foo up

And that means you could do things like... I dunno what it would look 
like, but... "pdoc Freudian::Slip" to display the usual manpage stuff, 
or "pdoc --usage Freudian::Slip" to get a certain section, or "pdoc 
Freudian::Slip &foo" to display just the info from a particular sub 

And then if POD(??) had some sort of "=lookup &foo" directive, you could 
have a particular piece of documentation displayed somewhere other than 
where the code & docs themselves are.

                    - David "that seems simpler than I expected" Green

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