On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 07:48:03 +0200, Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 14:46:53 -0400, Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The big question is whether being clever and producing the tightest
> >> type is worth the time to figure out what that type is, as well as
> >> the potentially uncertain output type.
> > Tangentially related: will promotion be suitably delayed on systems with
> > support for 64-bit ints?  More generally, what is the state-of/plan-for
> > "64-bit support" (whatever that may mean) in Parrot?
> I thought about that during BigInt hacking. It could be a nice
> optimization if we go:
>   Int -> Int64 -> BigInt
> on 32-bit systems that have 64-bit integer support. OTOH it makes type
> promotion a bit more complicated and dependent on configuration
> settings.

Why make a stop in 32-bit land at all in that case?  If the system supports
64-bit ints, why not use them for everything right up until you promote to
BigNum?  Is it a memory bandwidth issue or something?

Either way, it'll definitely be a boon to fast integer math if 64-bit ints
are used to stave off promotion to BigNum when possible.  This may be
especially true for languages like Perl 6 which (AFAIK) doesn't have an
"int64" native type specifier.  So either Perl 6's "int" type is 64-bit
where possible, or is a 32-to-64-auto-promoting type.


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